It seems that making new friends is harder as an adult. There are also seasons in life where friendships seems lacking or we feel especially isolated. When it comes to friendships and special needs parenting, it feels as if we often feel isolated or lacking in friendships. This is not always the case, but it is hard to find friends who understand our lives and who are willing to step into our lives and do life together.


If you parent kids with disabilities, have you ever struggled with friendships?

Join Erin and I as we talk about friendships and special needs parenting.

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From the show:

  • There are seasons in life when it is hard to connect with friends.
  • Parenting kids with disabilities can present challenges.
    • Being an adult can make making friends more challenging, especially when we move, switch jobs, different seasons in life with our kids.
    • Physical: many of us have to think about accessibility and physical ability (or mobility). If there is a play group, let’s say, at a park, while other moms are sitting and enjoying their time together, we might have to be helping our kids manage the equipment. Or, if the gathering happens at a place that is not accessible, many of us have to stay home.
    • Emotional: it is hard to keep a friendship when we feel judged, misunderstood, ignored, or lack  of compassion. (or if your friend says your child was born with a disability as a result of your sin).
    • Many of us battle isolation.
    • Sometimes it is hard to know where you fit.
    • Many people don’t get our lives.
    • Sometimes we are the ones who need to show compassion.
    • Understanding people need time to learn can help us be better friends.
We need to be willing to be open and vulnerable.
Every person has their own challenges
  • There are many blessings that come from our kids when it comes to blessings.
    • Some of our closest friends end up being other special needs parents.
    • We are naturally drawn to people who have similarities to us (Erin and i agreed some of the greatest people are special needs parents)
    • Friendships get deep and meaningful really fast because of the unique shared experiences.
    • Social media allows for great connections with people who understand our lives.
  • What we can do to develop friendships
    • We have to be intentional.
    • We have to be willing to compromise.
    • Sometimes we do need to initiate.
    • Be forgiving to those friends who do not understand our lives yet are willing and wanting to learn.

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