At the beginning of each school year, teachers get to know their students. For two of my girls, teachers have access to their IEP (individualized Education Plan). The IEP mainly consists of all the areas in which my children need help with. And with one of my girls having Down syndrome and one of them having cerebral palsy, those disabilities are physically obvious. And more than anything, I want teachers and everyone who meets them to know that my children are more than a diagnosis.

More than a diagnosis

I am not saying that disability does not matter, because it does. Their disability is part of their identity, but they are more than their diagnosis. They are little girls, human beings with so much more inside of them than a medical diagnosis.

There is so much more to our kids than their diagnosis.

Our children, aside form their disabilities, have unique talents, abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

And this is what I hope teachers will see, cherish, and appreciate about my kids:

Their unique sense of humor.

What hurts their feelings.

What makes them happy.

Their favorite friend at school.

Their favorite activity.

The areas where they succeed at.

How they can be stubborn too, like other kids.

That one thing they are really good at.

That one thing that is a big struggle.

How seeing some teachers makes them smile.

The creativity they show through their art.

That sometimes you can say so much without words.

The unique way in which they perceive the world.

How much they have to contribute to their classmates and their teachers.

How much like other kids they truly are.

There are so many details of their life that makes them who they are. Those areas that could never be covered in an IEP, and things that might have nothing to do with their diagnosis.

Our children are gifts, precious gifts that we get to call our very own, we love them something fierce. And when we send them to school, we pray. We pray hard! Because we want their teachers to recognize the beautiful human beings that we see. We want them to witness the beauty of their lives.

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