I see you at the park, at the grocery store, or at school. I can tell that you are tired, and I can tell that you feel alone. Sometimes, I can almost feel what you are feeling. Maybe because at times I have felt it too.

Having a child with special needs can be so difficult, and sometimes it is easy to believe that nobody will ever understand, that nobody will ever get what it is like to be in your shoes.

Today, I want to tell you that I see you, and you are not alone.

I see you

When the days are hard, when it feels like your child will never reach a new milestone, I am here for you. Other moms of kids with special needs are here for you. We understand each other, we get it, and sometimes, we do life together because it is in that community that we can laugh and understand even the unspoken words.

I see you, and my heart goes out for you. But I want you to know I see so much more too.

I see the beautiful friendships that will develop because of your child. I see the milestones that will come someday, no matter how long it takes, but when they do come I see the celebration, the joy, and the pride. I see the overwhelming and fierce love you have for your child.

I see the pride across your face when your child accomplishes new things. I see the tenderness and care with which you care for your child. I see you stand firm, with a confidence and strength that I respect.

I see you, the mom, the woman. Someone who rises above the others and challenges the world all for her child. I see you, and you are beautiful.


Before you go, I have another post for you: Special needs parents, you are not invisible, I see you!

Get the Special Needs Parent Survival Guide

Cover Special Needs Parent Survival Guide

Special Needs Parents, Are You Surviving?

I created a guide with 13 practical ways to help you find peace in the midst of chaos, opt in to make sure you get a copy of this freebie!