“Treat others how you want to be treated,” says the golden rule. We teach it. We talk about it. We try to live it.

golden rule

I often hear people who have no connection to disability ask, “How should I treat someone with a disability?” And the answer is, “Treat them how you want to be treated.” Right?

But here is the deal, it does not mean, “Treat them how you would want to be treated if you had a disability.” Because if you’re an able-bodied person like me, we really don’t know what it is like to have a disability because we don’t have one. And imagining what it would be like to have a disability would be based on our perception, not a reality.

So how should you treat a person with a disability? Treat them like you want to be treated right now, exactly the you that you are now, same circumstances you have now.

If you are an adult, would you want someone to talk to you like a child?

If you say, “I am fully capable,” do you want people to respect you and treat you with dignity and allow you to make your own choices?

If you ask, “Please stop, I do not like what you are doing.” Would you want people to stop even though they think they are being helpful?

If you say you are good at graphic design would you want people to believe you and not doubt you based on only one aspect of your life that has nothing to do with graphic design?

On Sunday, my daughter who has cerebral palsy had someone offer to go get her walker, “No thank you,” she said, “I can get it myself.”

“But it’s just right there, I can get it for you.”

“No thank you,” she said more firmly, “I can get it myself.”

Thankfully her wishes were respected…this time.

Because often times, it doesn’t matter what she says, well intentioned people do not listen to what she has to say, or they simply do not even ask.

I have several friends with disabilities who have shared with me this is a common occurrence for them too. I’ve witnessed it myself hanging out with them. I’ve had a friend say to someone, “I am fully capable,” and that person not listen until I said the same thing, “She is fully capable.” As if my words about my friend had more power. Why? I think it is because they are coming from an able-bodied person. It isn’t right. Her words about herself should matter more than mine.

The word is respect.

Treat others how yo want to be treated, right now, within your current circumstances.

It includes people with disabilities too.

We are made of the same essence.

It’s the golden rule, and let’s do the best we can to make sure it applies to the way we treat people with disabilities.


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