My blog just turned one, which means it is the writing prompt one year celebration link-up!

wp one year

Every week I posted a writing prompt. You shared your stories, stories of loss, heartache, hardships, celebration, or transformation. It has been a privilege to share in your stories.

This week, instead of giving you another prompt, I invite you to link-up your favorite post from last year’s writing prompts. If you are new here, I have a list of the prompts here.

In addition to linking up posts form the prompt, I invite you to link one of your favorite posts from your blog. You have a story to tell, and I want to know your stories. That’s what creating a writing community is all about, it is about writing and telling our stories and doing it together. It’s about supporting each other.

So this time the rules are a little different. Link up a writing prompt post, one of your favorite posts from your blog, or link up both!

Remember to link up the specific post.

Remember to link back to this post.

Visit at least the person that linked up before you and leave an encouraging comment. The more people you visit, the more people that will visit you and that is how we create a writing community.

I am really looking forward to reading your stories!

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