Oh the drama!“This is amazing!”

I make sure my voice is loud enough for a little girl to hear across the house. “I can’t believe I found this! I am so excited!”

“Mommy, what is it?” I hear the voice calling back and the creaking floorboards of our old house as Ellie rushes to find me.

“Mommy, what is it?” she asks again as she hurries into the room.

I wait with my back towards her; I know she is looking for the source of my excitement in hopes she can join in. I slowly turn around, with big eyes and a mischievous grin, which is my best impression of an excited 5 year old. My hands are hiding a special something from Ellie’s view just behind my back.

“Oh Ellie!” I bring on the drama, “You will never believe what a wonderful book I found! I am so excited I cannot even wait to read it to you! I will want to read this book over and over and over again. I think you might like it so much that you will want to read this book over and over and over again too!”

Ellie and I have been working on reading, and I have tried to make learning fun and exciting. Finding a book about her favorite princess will help, but I know it is not just about a book, it is also about my attitude.

“A book?” she asks a little hesitant, “What is it about?”

“Close your eyes.” I ask, “And you have to promise you will not open them until I say you can.”

She smiles and closes her eyes.

I hold the book in front of her and say, “Open. Your. Eyes.”

Ellie opens her eyes and sees the princess book.

“Isn’t this the best book ever?” I blurt out.

Ellie quickly grabs the book from me, matching my excitement she says, “Oh mommy, thank you, I love this book!”

We sit down together and I read the book for her. I make funny voices. Then I read it again. I then ask her if she wants us to read it together. She can read some words, I help with the rest. In a few days, she is reading the book all by herself. But the best part was the process of getting there, what fun we had!

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