Today we  celebrate world Down syndrome day. March 21, because people with Down syndrome have 3 copies of the 21st chromosome.  Many use this day as an opportunity to educate, or spread awareness of the different challenges that these individuals face. It is a day set apart to celebrate our kids, siblings, cousins, friends, and neighbors with Down syndrome.

Celebrate Down syndrome? Yes, I know, it might seem puzzling to say that Down syndrome is celebrated. After all, who would willingly choose to have a child with Down syndrome?

The truth is, most of us did not choose to become special needs parents. For many of us, dealing with the diagnosis was hard, we had to let go of hopes and dreams. Yet, as time goes by and we find ourselves parenting and loving our children with Down syndrome, we change. We begin to use words to describe them, like “gift,” or “blessing.”

At Not Alone, four of us moms share truths we have learned because of our children with Down syndrome. Click here and visit the post, the response has been amazing, over 10,000 shares already on Facebook. It is so exciting to see people sharing and recognizing that the lives of our kids with Down syndrome are precious.

The picture in this post has words from a post I wrote a while back: My Teacher of Life. I have no better words to share with you today, so check it out.

And lastly, I have a post, on my personal blog, about who Nichole is. Would also love for you to stop by. The post is picture overload, but I promise, it is well worth it. I used to think that because my daughter had Down syndrome that she would not be beautiful. Now I know how wrong I was, I find her beauty captivating, and she has redefined my definition of beauty. let her do the same for you.


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