Everyone is talking about resolutions. For many, this is a time of “new beginnings.” But if you feel like your plate is already full, making resolutions could feel like piling on more “work.”

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Join Erin and me as we talk about the realities of making New Year’s resolutions when you parent kids with disabilities and you feel your life is already overflowing with too much.


Notes from the show:

  • When you plate is already full, do you add more to your “to do” list by taking on  resolutions?
  • One way to make resolutions more manageable is to spread them out throughout the year.
  • The key to making resolutions happen: make them realistic.
  • Resolutions can be as simple as making small changes. Just one small change each week.
  • It is okay of you have “stereotypical” resolutions.
  • It’s okay to have no resolutions at all.
  • Self-care activities are always good resolutions to have.
  • Evaluate your time. Take this as an opportunity to look at where you are, how far you have come, and where youw ant to be.
  • Even if you make no resolutions, we encourage you to make just one: cultivate thankfulness. It will make your life better. And there are apps to help you with that!
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Special Needs Parents, Are You Surviving?

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