For some of us who have children with learning difficulties, it can be hard to identify challenges and know how to help our kids work through them. But there is an available resource, and I want to tell you all about it.

Join Erin and me in today’s episode as we interview Robin McEvoy about the new book, “Child Decoded.” Robin is a developmental neuropsychologist, and she has great insights into all the different aspects that can interfere with learning.

Robin is also giving away the first chapter of the book, “Child Decoded,” as our freebie: Send me CJ’s story from “Child Decoded”

Listen to the show:

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Notes from the show:

There is no “one solution,” but you can work on several things that each make some improvement and make a difference.

Nutrition and sleep affect learning.

There are ways to optimize a child’s learning.

Movement has been connected to learning.

A school plan (or an IEP) is not going to be enough in most cases.

Find the “starting point.”

Whatever we do, it must be done honoring our children and their uniqueness.

Sometimes we can be so opposed to medication we could compromise quality of life.

If you are not getting anywhere with school, get evaluations form outside of school.

Identify, “What are the standards of care?”

Think of yourself as the “case manager” for your child’s care and learning.

For IEP goals ask, “Whose responsibility is that?” Ask the provider, “Do you realistically have time to do that?” And, “How does that work in your classroom set-up?”

Resources from the show:

Book: Child Decoded: Unlocking complex issues in your child’s learning, behavior or attention (<— affiliate link, it means I make a small commission to no additional cost to you)

Child Decoded website

Robin McEvoy’s webiste

Send me CJ’s story from “Child Decoded”

Don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes or stitcher.

Watch the show:

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Special Needs Parents, Are You Surviving?

I created a guide with 13 practical ways to help you find peace in the midst of chaos, opt in to make sure you get a copy of this freebie!