Search engine term #1: Are mothers of kids with Down syndrome embarrassed?

Once in a while I like to look at the search engine terms (SETs) that bring people to my website. Some are funny, some are ridiculous, some reflect real pain and loss, some make me wonder the reasoning behind the search, because it could be a result of a crisis or fear.

embarrassed of Down syndrome

Are mothers of kids with Down syndrome embarrassed?

I am not offended when people ask a question like this. Not one bit. Why not? Because before my daughter was born with Down syndrome I actually wondered this very thing. Nine years ago our friends had a daughter born with Down syndrome. As their friend, I really struggled with the diagnosis, perhaps because I was pregnant with our first born, and we had so often talked about how our girls would be great friends, being only two months apart in age.

But I thought, “Are they embarrassed? How will they face people and tell them that their daughter has Down syndrome?”

I was terrified to think if that ever happened to us!

Those thoughts and questions flowed from knowing very little about Down syndrome. They were a result of believing the prevalent misconceptions about what the diagnosis meant. I was simply ignorant about what Down syndrome is, what it would mean to their family, how it would change their lives.

When my second daughter was born with Down syndrome two years later, embarrassment was not even in my radar. But there was a lot of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what I thought our lives would be like.

Now, fast forward six and a half years. My little rascal is in Kindergarten. Wow!

Embarrassment? Well, I do feel embarrassed when any of my girls act out in public. Most parents do! But embarrassed about her having Down syndrome? Not even close! But here is a word I would use to describe how I feel: PRIDE!

I am so incredibly proud of my daughter, of who she is, of what she has accomplished. I feel great pride pointing her out in a crowd, and telling people she is mine. I feel pride as I see her walk to school, or hug her sisters, or skip around. An immeasurable amount of pride.

And you know what? It keeps growing. Every day I have more reasons to be proud of her.

So are mothers of kids with Down syndrome embarrassed? No my friend, most likely they are bursting with pride…and a measure of love they never knew before!

And if you have any questions about Down syndrome, if you were given a prenatal diagnosis or are a new parent, don’t hesitate to contact me.

If you are a parent of a child with Down syndrome, what words would you use to describe how you feel about your child?

Edited to add: Don’t miss the comments on this post, parents are sharing how they feel towards their kids with Down syndrome.

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