Before I became a momAt the end of the day, before I crawl into my bed, I quietly slip into my girls’ rooms to tuck them in once more. They rarely have their covers on, so I pull the blankets over them while slowly admiring their beautiful, peaceful faces as they sleep. And in those moments, my heart feels so full.

My girls are growing, they are busy, and we don’t cuddle as much as we used to. Most of the time I have to tackle them so I can cover them with kisses while they fight to get out of my arms. but at the end of the day I lean down and offer a soft kiss on their foreheads, feeling their warmth against my lips.

This mothering adventure is a blessing I don’t ever want to take for granted.

I want to make every moment count. I want to be present. I don’t want to be so distracted with other things that I miss the precious moments of their childhood.

At the end of the day, I don’t want to regret the time I spent behind a computer screen, or preoccupied with things that matter little. I do not want to exchange the time and attention they deserve for the worthless clutter of life.

And at the end of the day I want to make sure my girls know that they are loved, that I am here for them, and that they matter.

So at the end of the day I will kiss my girls goodnight once more, and I will thank God for the pleasure of calling them my own.

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