Down syndrome: A life worth living

Down syndrome: A life worth living

I know there are people who might look at my daughter and hope they never have a child like mine, a child with Down syndrome. They assume her life is hard, but my daughter’s life is beautiful. Her life worth living. And when I look at her, I thank God that He chose...
Adopting a Child with Down Syndrome

Adopting a Child with Down Syndrome

Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Tina Salvador for a summer series highlighting writers who focus on disability. In this post Tina shares about adopting a child with Down syndrome.  Our story is not the story of a family pregnant with a child and receiving...
Maken Understand Love

Maken Understand Love

Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Mardra Sikora for a summer series highlighting great bloggers who focus on disability. Maybe I shouldn’t have read the article. But everyone in my circle was talking about it. I didn’t stop myself from speculation. I was angry at...